Thursday, 28 May 2009

Another year is done, ladies, and we'll be planning for next year at the end of June.  In the meantime, I hope you'll join me in thanking everyone who played a part in this year's meetings:

Karen, for opening her home to us every six weeks, and showing us lovely hospitality.  And Karen's family, for clearing space for all of us!

Sandy, for keeping our library vibrant and relevant, and for being so willing to share her insights into CM with us.

Those who led meetings this year:  Sandra, Laurel, Karen, Sandy, Christine, Cathy, Helen, and Liz, and, um, me. 

All who brought desserts to meetings - I can't even begin to list all of you, but you are thanked mightily!

Anyone who contributed to discussion, either during or after meetings, about CM and home education.  The group is richer for your participation!

Those who attended for the first time this year, you are so welcome among us, and we hope to see you continue with us.

Please join me by adding your thanks in the comments, and please let me know if I've missed naming someone.  Also, as leaders, we would love to hear feedback about what you liked/didn't like about this year, what you'd like to see in the future, etc., so we hope to hear from you about that as well.

Blessings to all of you as you prepare for the summer.


Wednesday, 6 May 2009

The 6 C's for High School and Beyond - Notes on the KW workshop given by Diane Wolf

(Note from Jennifer: these notes were submitted to me by Sandy M.  If you want more information about the workshop or its content, please comment below, and we'll see if someone reading can fill in some more.)

This talk was given by Diane Wolf from Trent University. She came up with this list based on her own experiences and frustrations of teaching in a post secondary setting.  Diane was very positive about the quality of home-education she had encountered and the preparedness of students she knew who had been homeschooled.  Much of her talk was personal anecdotes and stories but I was able to take down these points.


What are the "skills to nurture"  to prepare our students for Post secondary Education?

A. Critical thinking skills: Students need to be able to back up their opinions and be able to critique and understand how to evaluate sources of information. These skills have been widely lost in educational systems and are sadly lacking in post secondary students today. Teach students how to assess arguments and information, to understand common logical fallacies, to ask the questions,  "Why? Why do I think that way? Why do I believe that idea? What evidence is there for ...... ?" etc.

B. Character: This is what really makes students stand out in a post secondary setting. Students who are people of integrity and who can accept consequences are few and far between. 

C. Creativity: There is a great need for students who can creatively solve problems, who can discover for themselves the things they need to know, and who are adaptable. Content gaps really don't matter if the student is resourceful, creative, and an independent learner. Students need to be able to figure out their own strategies when they are lacking knowledge or technical expertise and not depend on someone else to solve their problems for them.  The ability to ask for help when needed is one of those strategies, not the tendency to expect someone else to jump in and help them.

D. Communication skills: It is very important for students to know how to work with others in a group setting. Much post secondary education is done in groups. Co-operation and teamwork skills are essential.

E. Comfort with Computers: Although the ability to use computers and to navigate common programs is essential she also highlighted that students need to know when not to use computers and how to show self control and restraint. She touched upon the vast amounts of time wasted and "negative" impact of this. She also mentioned that students won't know every computer program needed but stressed the importance of openness to learning new programs, and the importance of knowing how and when to ask for help if they don't know how to use a required program.

F. Common Sense: Sadly lacking in many students is the ability to use your head and think before you act.  (During this part she mentioned that the older students were the more they took ownership of their courses and were successful; she pointed out many students enter university at 17 years old because their parents want them to and they are completely unprepared for the independence and level of responsibility required.) She discussed the value of homeschooling in developing people who have lots of life skills, lots of common sense and are accountable for their own learning.


This was a great workshop, very inspiring, very affirming. I felt convicted that homeschooling during the highschool years was a perfect opportunity to develop these qualities in my kids and to prepare them for whatever adventures and responsibilities God was calling them to. I am so thankful to have attended this seminar!

Sandy M.