Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Dundas Valley High School Co-op

If you are interested in a co-op experience for your  high school student, the Dundas Valley High School Co-op runs two 12-week semesters each year, offering numerous core and elective courses, including the annual Canoe Trip and Drama Production. We meet on Thursdays at St. Paul's Church in Dundas.For more information please contact Robin Larin at:   DVHSCoop@gmail.com

Saturday, 7 August 2010

The Charlotte Mason Series - The Digitization of the Charlotte Mason Col...

There has been extensive work done in recent years to digitize the collection of documents related to Charlotte Mason that are currently held at the Armitt in Cumbria, UK.  Dr. Deani Van Pelt and Redeemer University in Ontario have been part of that process, and here you will see a video produced by Deani which explains the significance of the collection and the importance of having a permanent digital record.

If you have read works about CM, some of names of CM scholars may be familiar to you, and in this video you will see some of the faces that belong to those names:

Dr. Jack Beckman
Dr. John Thorley
Dr. Carroll Smith
Dr. Deani Van Pelt

There are, of course, others in the video, and others who are instrumental in bringing Charlotte Mason's work to the forefront of modern education.  We are privileged to have people who are committed to the value of this work, who are making the original documents accessible to all of us, and who are giving so much of their time and energy with little or no compensation.  

Enjoy the video!

This post has been published concurrently on Peaceledge.