Hello Dear Friends,
We would like to welcome back all returning members and extend a special invitation for any new members who would like to join us for another year of stimulating discussion, fellowship and resource sharing. Our group meets together every 5-6 weeks from September to May following the schedule posted below. This year we will be reading and discussing the book "Educating the WholeHearted Child" (revised and expanded 3rd edition) by Clay and Sally Clarkson. Please note this book has 100 pages of brand new material and much of the original material has been revised. As such we encourage everyone to try and obtain this newer edition if possible. We will be placing a group order through Maple Tree Publications The cost of the book will be $23.50 (all included) or less - depending upon how many books we order. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the book through this bulk order please email Sandy (sandavem@gmail.com) by September 5th with your name. After that date you can order directly from Maple Tree Publications, just mention you are with WHHE. Books will be available at the first meeting.
Here are the meeting dates and topics we will be studying this year
Sept 18 Chapter 3 Shepherding Your Child's Spirit to Long for God.
Oct 30 Chapter 4: Shaping your Child's Heart to live for God
Dec 4 Chapter 6 The WholeHearted Learning Model -Living & Learning Together
Jan 22 Chapter. 8 Understanding Your Child
Mar 5 Chapter 13 Discovery Studies Methods - The Study of Learning
April 16 Chapter 12 - Discussion Studies Methods: The Study of Ideas
May 28 Chapter 15: Keeping the Vision Alive
We are so thankful to Karen Powell and family for continuing to host our meetings and resource library again this year!
Please take note of the timing of our evenings:
7:00 – 7:30 – Arrival, return books, snack time
7:30 - 8:10 - Group Discussion
8:10 – 8:20 – New Books Library Highlight
8:20 – 9:00 – Continued Discussion
9:00 Resource Library Open
In order to make use of our fabulous library and resources, a registration form must be completed along with payment of $20 cash or cheque made payable to Sandy Moore.
We look forward to a wonderful year of sharing and fellowship as we pursue a living education for our families!