Tuesday, 10 November 2015

A new year of Whole Hearted Home Educators!

Hi friends, we have started the 2015-2016 year of our WHHE meetings, all are welcome. If you need an address to the meeting location, please email cldorman (at) sympatico (dot) ca.

This year we are reading through Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson.

We meet every six weeks to discuss topics related to the book we are studying, which include themes such as: home education (of course), faith, Charlotte Mason's philosophies and how they can be embraced, home discipleship, raising WholeHearted children, and whatever we feel is pressing in the hearts and minds of those gathered together.  *You don't need to own a copy of the book to attend!  Feel free to join any meeting at any time. We are a group here to offer support and encouragement to one another.

Here is this year's schedule for meetings and discussion topics:

Nov. 17th, 2015

Chapters 3,4,5 Home Discipleship and Home Education

Jan. 5th
Chapters 6-7 Whole Hearted Learning Model and the Whole Hearted Learning Home

Feb. 16th
Chapter 11 - Disciplined Studies Methods

Mar. 29th
Chapter 12 - Discussion Studies Methods

May 10th
Chapter 13 - Discretionary Studies Methods

June 20th
Chapter 15-17- Home and the Living Family

The Library

We have an INCREDIBLE library of beautiful, hard-to-find, Charlotte Mason-inspired books available. Yearly membership fee is $20 for the year.  New materials are being added every meeting, this is a resource not to be missed!


Meetings start at 7pm with returns to the library, socializing, getting our tea and treats.
Discussion/official Meeting starts at 7:30 and runs to 9pm.
9pm is the time to check out items from the library.