This year we are reading through Educating the WholeHearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson.
Here is this year's schedule for meetings and discussion topics:
Nov. 17th, 2015
Chapters 3,4,5 Home Discipleship and Home Education
Jan. 5th
Chapters 6-7 Whole Hearted Learning Model and the Whole Hearted Learning Home
Feb. 16th
Chapter 11 - Disciplined Studies Methods
Mar. 29th
Chapter 12 - Discussion Studies Methods
May 10th
Chapter 13 - Discretionary Studies Methods
June 20th
Chapter 15-17- Home and the Living Family
The Library
We have an INCREDIBLE library of beautiful, hard-to-find, Charlotte Mason-inspired books available. Yearly membership fee is $20 for the year. New materials are being added every meeting, this is a resource not to be missed!
Meetings start at 7pm with returns to the library, socializing, getting our tea and treats.Discussion/official Meeting starts at 7:30 and runs to 9pm.
9pm is the time to check out items from the library.