Spring is a beautiful time: everything seems fresh and new, the greens appear more vibrant than at other times, and there is so much to observe.
At the same time, spring is a difficult time to concentrate on school: the outdoors are calling, the mind has already shifted to next year's books, and fatigue after a long year (and winter) of school has set in.
Why not take these two situations and combine them into one beautiful solution:
Take school outside
Now, I'm not talking about bringing your books and doing Math at the picnic table, or Dictation under the budding maple tree. No. What I'm suggesting is to take advantage of this fabulous season and spend time on Nature Study.
In my home, this is one area that gets sadly neglected during the winter months. But come spring, even my reclusive, hibernating self is antsy to get outdoors! So now is when I turn to the Handbook of Nature Study blog and get some fresh ideas for incorporating Nature Study and Anna Botsford Comstock's fantastic book Handbook of Nature Study
(which is also available free online) into our days.
Barb has redesigned her blog to make it more user friendly, and has recently begun a series of spring Outdoor Hour Challenges. Why not take a look and see if there's something there that piques your interest?
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